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Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Release time: 2023-01-19 02:09:15
Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Feeling is to be cultivated by ourselves. We can improve our aesthetic ability by appreciating the following types of successful works。Appreciate successful graphic design work,Not only can absorb creative and performance knowledge,It can also inspire thinking about the flexible use of software;Watch a lot of good commercials,Shooting in film and television advertising is composed of pictures,One of the images feels good,We can learn their expression and color scheme,In this way, we can accumulate a lot of knowledge and experience。There are still many graphic design works worth learning around us, we should pay attention to it。The previous step through the study of the basic knowledge of design, unconsciously you have entered the imitation stage of design, whether it is book design, packaging design, logo design, which requires constant practice, the application of knowledge in practice, in order to deeply understand the profound meaning of the theory, only do more to apply freely。

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

The decorative factors of the layout are composed of the combination and arrangement of points, lines and surfaces, and the use of exaggeration, metaphor and symbol technology to reflect the visual effect not only beautifies the layout, but also improves the function of information transmission。Decoration is made up of aesthetic features。Different types of layout information, there are different decorative forms, it not only plays a role in excluding other aspects, highlighting the layout information, but also allows the reader to enjoy the beauty。In order to make the layout better serve the content of the layout, it is very important to find a reasonable visual language of the layout, and it is also the embodiment of the big demands。Creative intention is a step of design and a part of thought activity in design works。

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

PhotoShop: 1.Toolbar;2.PhotoShop layers, masks, paths, channels, and filters;3.PhotoShop compositing processed images, 4.Graphic design and production。CorelDRAW: 1.CorelDRAW toolbar;2.CorelDRAW vector drawing;3.CorelDRAW text editing, cartoon production, brochures, logos and other graphic design content。Illustrator: 1.Illustrator toolbar;2.Illustrator vector drawing;3.Illustrator Business card design, font design, text layout, corporate identity system (VI), production of company manuals and other graphic design。

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

Zhaodong e-commerce training fees

"Adjustment" means that during the design and production process, it is adjusted at any time according to the actual situation。Under the guidance of the principle of aesthetics, adjustment is a process of adding and deleting modeling elements, changing the size and proportion of each part, and finally achieving the desired effect。The adjustment process continues throughout production。The process of graphic design is a progressive process of continuous improvement with planned steps, and the success of the design largely depends on whether the concept is accurate and whether it is considered perfect。The beauty of design is endless, and perfection depends on attitude。In design, the basic elements are equivalent to the building blocks of your work, and each element must have the purpose of conveying and strengthening the transmission of information。