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Jilin e-commerce training phone

Release time: 2023-01-21 02:08:51
Jilin e-commerce training phone

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Graphic design works appear in front of people mostly through printing, so it is necessary to learn printing knowledge。As a graphic designer to master the pre-press technology, familiar with the printing process, understanding the post-press processing technology will bring endless charm to our design, the design is also good on paper, can be printed out, bring good works to consumers is the hard truth。The above are essential knowledge and ability to learn graphic design, without one, there is no shortcut to design, we only continue to practice and innovation, in order to slowly rise in the temper。

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Industrial design (product design, indoor and outdoor environment and facility design, product packaging, advertising design, graphic design, corporate image planning and design, reverse design, display design, etc.), product research and development, large-scale production enterprises, and independent design offices engaged in related design, research and management。productionartist is considered a skilled entry level job in the creative industry。This title comes from an advertising agency and is a position that handles pre-press work related to printing。People who hold this position usually aim to become graphic designers or art directors, and thus perform a trainee or apprenticeship as a graphic designer similar to the two positions above。

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Graphic design mainly includes the design and production of fine art typesetting, print advertising, posters, light boxes, etc。Employment trend: newspapers, magazines, publishing and other mass media, advertising companies and other related industries。Engaged in graphic design work, the technical difficulty of each company requires different grades, the working time is more unstable, the creation speed is required, and the demand for talents is also relatively large。The main courses of graphic design include: plane composition, color composition, three-dimensional composition, perspective, sketch, watercolor, PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR, CORELDRAW, etc。

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Printing type/Printing equipment type/common sense/paper opening/four-color printing/spot color printing/dot line number/Angle/paper weight/bleeding/overprinting/plate operation methods and precautions: post-press process: hot stamping/film coating/UV/ glue/film cutting knowledge。Printing process: Design sample /CMYK draft/proofreading/film/printing。This paper introduces the inkjet technology knowledge, the production process of inkjet photo, the main factors of the quality of computer inkjet and the factors that affect the output efficiency of inkjet in practice。Logo design: the classification of the logo, the function of the logo, the category and characteristics, the design concept of the logo, the expression technique, the combination form, the basic principles of the logo design, the difference between the trademark and the logo。

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Jilin e-commerce training phone

Design Principles Type and Layout, Digital Illustration, Digital Photography, Design Thinking, Fundamentals of Painting, Digital image Processing, 3D technology, History of Visual Communication, Academic Research and Communication skills, Typography, Advertising Design, Semiotics and Symbol Making, Semiotics and Image Making, Print Media and Production, Web Design, Visual identity Systems, Packaging Design, Publication Design, PortfolioDesign, design studio, corporate logo design, etc。If you want to learn graphic design, you need to have good creativity, and a good art foundation is a must。Well, if you want to learn it well, there are a few steps。