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Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Release time: 2023-01-27 02:08:45
Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

The basic skill of graphic design is the study and skilled application of graphic design software, if you do not know the software of graphic design, everything is a white talk, do not know the software of graphic design, just like can not use the brush can not become a calligrapher, do not know the word can not become a writer。Graphic design commonly used software include Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, InDesign and so on。Photoshop is a powerful, widely used and excellent bitmap image processing software launched by Adobe, which has always occupied the leader position of image processing software and is a must-use software for graphic design, widely involving images, graphics, text, video, publishing and other aspects。

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

The contact between graphic art and readers is limited to a limited space, which requires the layout to be simple and concise。The past kind of cramming, complex layout form, has long been forgotten by people。In fact, it emphasizes simplicity and conciseness, not monotonous and simple, but concentrated processing of information, refined performance of content, based on novel and unique artistic ideas。Therefore, the single purification of the layout includes the planning and refining of the content of the appeal, and also includes the layout composition skills。Layout structure is the bridge of information dissemination, and the form it pursues must be consistent with the ideological content of the theme, which is the basis of layout structure。Just talk about the expression and ignore the content, or only seek the content, the lack of artistic expression, typesetting is not successful。

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Because it is very demanding for its simplicity, generalization, and perfection, that is, to be perfect, it is difficult to find a better alternative, and its difficulty is far greater than any other graphic design。Packaging design is a more important element of product marketing strategy, packaging is a comprehensive reflection of brand concept, product characteristics, consumer psychology, it directly affects the consumer's desire to buy。As a means to realize the value and use value of commodities, packaging plays an extremely important role in production, circulation, sales, consumption and other fields。VI design, the full name of visual image recognition system design, is divided into corporate image design and brand image design。

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Graphic design is to combine different basic graphics into patterns on the plane according to certain rules。The boundary between the map and the ground is divided by the outline line within the scope of the second space, and the image is depicted。The three-dimensional sense of space expressed by the graphic design is not a real three-dimensional space, but only an illusion space formed by the visual guidance of graphics。From a narrow sense of understanding, harmonious graphic design is unity and contrast between the two is not boring monotonous or chaotic。In a broad sense, when judging the relationship between two or more elements, or between parts and parts, the feelings and consciousness assigned to us by each part are an overall coordination relationship。

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Some names such as: Graphic design (graphisdesign) visual communication design, decoration design, architectural decoration design...,This may have a lot to do with the characteristics of graphic design,Because design is everywhere, graphic design is everywhere,From a range of printing is related to graphic design,In terms of function, "the act of adjusting vision to a certain extent through the human body.",Call it visual communication,Use visual language to convey information and express ideas,On the other hand, decoration design or decoration art design is recognized as a highly inaccurate name,one-sidedness。In understanding the scope and connotation of graphic design, let's look at the classification of graphic design, such as image system design, font design, book binding design, line catalog design, packaging design, poster/poster design...It can be said that there are as many designs as there are needs。

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

Harbin E-commerce training ranking

After the theme is clear, the layout color layout and expression form become the core of the layout design art, and it is also a difficult creative process。How to achieve new meaning, beautiful shape, variety, aesthetic interest, which depends on the cultural connotation of the designer。Therefore, the composition of layout is a comprehensive test of the designer's ideological realm, artistic accomplishment and technical knowledge。The decorative factors of the layout are composed of the combination and arrangement of points, lines and surfaces, and the use of exaggeration, metaphor and symbol technology to reflect the visual effect not only beautifies the layout, but also improves the function of information transmission。Decoration is made up of aesthetic features。Different types of layout information, there are different decorative forms, it not only plays a role in excluding other aspects, highlighting the layout information, but also allows the reader to enjoy the beauty。